Accessing component inputs

When you call Component.render or Component.render_to_response, the inputs to these methods can be accessed from within the instance under self.input.

This means that you can use self.input inside:

  • get_context_data
  • get_template_name
  • get_template
  • on_render_before
  • on_render_after

self.input is only defined during the execution of Component.render, and raises a RuntimeError when called outside of this context.

self.input has the same fields as the input to Component.render:

class TestComponent(Component):
    def get_context_data(self, var1, var2, variable, another, **attrs):
        assert self.input.args == (123, "str")
        assert self.input.kwargs == {"variable": "test", "another": 1}
        assert self.input.slots == {"my_slot": "MY_SLOT"}
        assert isinstance(self.input.context, Context)

        return {
            "variable": variable,

rendered = TestComponent.render(
    kwargs={"variable": "test", "another": 1},
    args=(123, "str"),
    slots={"my_slot": "MY_SLOT"},

NOTE: The slots in self.input.slots are normalized to slot functions.