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These are the components provided by django_components.

DynamicComponent ¤

Bases: django_components.component.Component

See source code

This component is given a registered name or a reference to another component, and behaves as if the other component was in its place.

The args, kwargs, and slot fills are all passed down to the underlying component.


  • is (str | Type[Component]) –

    Component that should be rendered. Either a registered name of a component, or a Component class directly. Required.

  • registry (ComponentRegistry, default: None ) –

    Specify the registry to search for the registered name. If omitted, all registries are searched until the first match.

  • *args –

    Additional data passed to the component.

  • **kwargs –

    Additional data passed to the component.


  • Any slots, depending on the actual component.



{% component "dynamic" is=table_comp data=table_data headers=table_headers %}
    {% fill "pagination" %}
        {% component "pagination" / %}
    {% endfill %}
{% endcomponent %}

Or in case you use the django_components.component_shorthand_formatter tag formatter:

{% dynamic is=table_comp data=table_data headers=table_headers %}
    {% fill "pagination" %}
        {% component "pagination" / %}
    {% endfill %}
{% enddynamic %}


from django_components import DynamicComponent

        "is": table_comp,
        "data": table_data,
        "headers": table_headers,
        "pagination": PaginationComponent.render(

Use cases¤

Dynamic components are suitable if you are writing something like a form component. You may design it such that users give you a list of input types, and you render components depending on the input types.

While you could handle this with a series of if / else statements, that's not an extensible approach. Instead, you can use the dynamic component in place of normal components.

Component name¤

By default, the dynamic component is registered under the name "dynamic". In case of a conflict, you can set the COMPONENTS.dynamic_component_name setting to change the name used for the dynamic components.

COMPONENTS = ComponentsSettings(

After which you will be able to use the dynamic component with the new name:

{% component "my_dynamic" is=table_comp data=table_data headers=table_headers %}
    {% fill "pagination" %}
        {% component "pagination" / %}
    {% endfill %}
{% endcomponent %}