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template_loader ¤

Template loader that loads templates from each Django app's "components" directory.

Loader ¤

Bases: Loader

get_dirs ¤

get_dirs(include_apps: bool = True) -> List[Path]

Prepare directories that may contain component files:

Searches for dirs set in COMPONENTS.dirs settings. If none set, defaults to searching for a "components" app. The dirs in COMPONENTS.dirs must be absolute paths.

In addition to that, also all apps are checked for [app]/components dirs.

Paths are accepted only if they resolve to a directory. E.g. /path/to/django_project/my_app/components/.

BASE_DIR setting is required.

Source code in src/django_components/template_loader.py
def get_dirs(self, include_apps: bool = True) -> List[Path]:
    Prepare directories that may contain component files:

    Searches for dirs set in `COMPONENTS.dirs` settings. If none set, defaults to searching
    for a "components" app. The dirs in `COMPONENTS.dirs` must be absolute paths.

    In addition to that, also all apps are checked for `[app]/components` dirs.

    Paths are accepted only if they resolve to a directory.
    E.g. `/path/to/django_project/my_app/components/`.

    `BASE_DIR` setting is required.
    # Allow to configure from settings which dirs should be checked for components
    component_dirs = app_settings.DIRS

    is_legacy_paths = (
        # Use value of `STATICFILES_DIRS` ONLY if `COMPONENT.dirs` not set
        not getattr(settings, "COMPONENTS", {}).get("dirs", None) is not None
        and hasattr(settings, "STATICFILES_DIRS")
        and settings.STATICFILES_DIRS
    if is_legacy_paths:
        # NOTE: For STATICFILES_DIRS, we use the defaults even for empty list.
        # We don't do this for COMPONENTS.dirs, so user can explicitly specify "NO dirs".
        component_dirs = settings.STATICFILES_DIRS or [settings.BASE_DIR / "components"]
    source = "STATICFILES_DIRS" if is_legacy_paths else "COMPONENTS.dirs"

        "Template loader will search for valid template dirs from following options:\n"
        + "\n".join([f" - {str(d)}" for d in component_dirs])

    # Add `[app]/[APP_DIR]` to the directories. This is, by default `[app]/components`
    app_paths: List[Path] = []
    if include_apps:
        for conf in apps.get_app_configs():
            for app_dir in app_settings.APP_DIRS:
                comps_path = Path(conf.path).joinpath(app_dir)
                if comps_path.exists():

    directories: Set[Path] = set(app_paths)

    # Validate and add other values from the config
    for component_dir in component_dirs:
        # Consider tuples for STATICFILES_DIRS (See #489)
        # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/settings/#prefixes-optional
        if isinstance(component_dir, (tuple, list)):
            component_dir = component_dir[1]
        except TypeError:
                f"{source} expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, or tuple/list of length 2. "
                f"See Django documentation for STATICFILES_DIRS. Got {type(component_dir)} : {component_dir}"

        if not Path(component_dir).is_absolute():
            raise ValueError(f"{source} must contain absolute paths, got '{component_dir}'")

        "Template loader matched following template dirs:\n" + "\n".join([f" - {str(d)}" for d in directories])
    return list(directories)

get_dirs ¤

get_dirs(include_apps: bool = True, engine: Optional[Engine] = None) -> List[Path]

Helper for using django_component's FilesystemLoader class to obtain a list of directories where component python files may be defined.

Source code in src/django_components/template_loader.py
def get_dirs(include_apps: bool = True, engine: Optional[Engine] = None) -> List[Path]:
    Helper for using django_component's FilesystemLoader class to obtain a list
    of directories where component python files may be defined.
    current_engine = engine
    if current_engine is None:
        current_engine = Engine.get_default()

    loader = Loader(current_engine)
    return loader.get_dirs(include_apps)